Science of Breakup

Beshu Books

ISBN: 978-3-9821950-5-6
14,00 €
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Science of Breakup. How Love and Heartbreak Affect the Body and Brain von Anne Freier

In Science of Breakup, author and scientist Anne Freier takes us on a journey of how our relationships and how their painful endings can shape us both psychologically and biologically. Drawing on years of research and conversations with experts across the scientific community, she explores the contemporary science behind our greatest emotion – from the evolution of love to the neuroscience of heartbreak – and shows us how and why we love and grieve the loss of love. Guiding us through scientifically-tested strategies to help us get over heartbreak, Science of Breakup demonstrates how our brains can help us through dark times, and finally free us from the tunnel vision of our deepest sorrows.



I like to believe that romantic love endures, but much like other concepts, it undergoes constant re-shaping in line with new realities driven by evolving societal norms and cultural adaptations. Perhaps there’ll come a day when the idea of love shifts so far to the self that we’ll be aroused by the person in the mirror. (Spoiler alert: some of us already are.) But until that day, we continue to fall in love, cohabit, get married, and have children. Much like we continue to fall out of love, divorce, and break each other’s hearts. 

Was passiert mit unserem Körper, wenn wir uns trennen?
Die Autorin und Wissenschaftlerin Anne Freier hat sich diese Frage gestellt – nachdem ihr langjähriger Freund sie plötzlich verlassen hat. Akribisch zeichnet sie die neurologischen und psychologischen Folgen einer Trennung nach und konstatiert: die wirksamste Medizin gegen Herzschmerz steckt in uns selbst; nämlich der transformativen Kraft unseres Gehirns. 
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